Our Ministries

Calvary Kids

Calvary Kids exists to plant the gospel into the hearts of children to equip them with the truth of Jesus Christ.

Calvary Kids is a fun and vibrant weekly children's ministry program at Calvary Church. We know that the early years are the building blocks for a lifetime of faith - that’s why we strive to create a welcoming, hands-on environment where kids can explore and learn about God’s love for them through interactive teaching, stories, music, crafts, and games. We invite all kids and families of all backgrounds to come follow Jesus with us!

Sundays at 9 AM & 11 AM
Ages 0 – 5th Grade

For more info, contact
Andrea Roberts

Calvary Students

Know what you believe, and why you believe it.

At Calvary Students, we strive to empower teenagers to explore and strengthen their faith, equipping them with a deeper understanding of God's Word. We want to be able to offer them a safe and welcoming space to ask questions and discover who God is.

Not only is our goal to properly equip these teenagers with Biblical theology, but it's also to help them understand why they believe what they believe so that they can stand firm in their faith and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to lead them.

Sunday Morning Small Group
6th Grade – 9th Grade
9 AM & 11 AM

Wednesday Night Service
6th Grade – 12th Grade
6:30 PM

For more info, contact
Reed Barineau

Men's Bible Study

Building up men to be the husbands, fathers, and leaders that God has called them to be.

At Calvary Chapel Tallahassee, our weekly Men's Bible Study is an opportunity to grow and strengthen relationships with other Christian men. We provide an environment for men to come together and dig deeper into God's Word while encouraging one another in their unique callings. We believe that through Biblical discussion and intentional relationship-building, we can equip each other to become better husbands, fathers, and leaders in our communities. We strive to create an atmosphere that is both challenging and encouraging for each man to reach his full potential in the love of Jesus Christ.

Wednesdays at 6:30 PM

For more info, contact
Jim Dean

Ladies' Bible Study

A place of encouragement, love, and growth.

Our Ladies' Bible Study is a place of comfort and encouragement. We've created a female-focused space where we can come together and grow in faith. We're all looking to become better wives, mothers, and friends, and that's why we put our focus firmly on God's Word to gain wisdom, guidance, and support. Become a part of this incredible group, and leave feeling uplifted as we discover the power of fellowship and seek out the plans and purposes that God has set for each one of us.

This Bible study meets periodically throughout the year.

For more info, contact
Rachel Kane

Global Missions

Supporting the work of organizations bringing the Gospel to every corner of the earth.

Jesus challenges all Christians in Matthew 28 to become personally involved in missions. It's a calling we take very seriously at Calvary Chapel Tallahassee and over the years we have sent missionaries, mission teams, or supported missions work in 22 countries around the world. Over one hundred ordinary people from all walks of life within our church body have sent themselves as missionaries on short-term trips to foreign countries in Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Many more have supported missions work through prayer and donations.

Some Missionaries we are currently supporting:
CHRIS AND LACEY RYAN – Central & Eastern Europe

Local Outreach

Being the hands and feet of Jesus in Tallahassee.

At Calvary Chapel Tallahassee we are committed to loving our neighbors who are close near and far by being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community and beyond. We have formed partnerships with these local organizations, schools, and community centers to bring the hope of the gospel through everyday living.

Calvary Kids Closet
Calvary Serve Team

W.T Moore Elementary
Chaires Elementary
Lincoln High School

Smith-Williams Center
Elder Care

For more info, contact
Shannon Butler